car seat safety tips

Car Seat Safety & Tips for Avoiding Tantrums

Tamara GuoCar Seats, Resources

There’s nothing more frustrating than driving down the road with a screaming child throwing a tantrum in a car seat. We’ve all been there, and as a driver and parent you feel helpless and distracted, unless you can pull over and check on your little one. At times car seat tantrums will be unavoidable, but let us help you with …

preventing tantrums

Preventing Tantrums at the Store

Stephanie SaikalyBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Errands, Parent Routines

You are perusing the aisles at Target (or insert the name of your favorite store) and you hear a child screaming for a candy bar at the checkout counter. Now, what if the above-described child is YOUR child?  This is when we need to consider intervention strategies. How can we avoid that embarrassing supermarket meltdown from happening in the first …

Managing Your Toddler’s Temper Tantrum

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Discipline

How to Deal with Temper Tantrums When a toddler sees something he or she wants and cannot have it immediately, the natural response is to scream. Tantrums usually start around 15 months because that’s the age a young child starts to voice their own desires. Your child simply doesn’t know any other way to communicate the anger and frustration they …

Q&A: How to Handle Violent & Severe Temper Tantrums

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

I have a 4 yr old little girl and she throws violent uncontrollable temper tantrums. I’ve taken her to her PCP and she says every kid does it. It will start over anything even the smallest thing. She lost her red color, she doesn’t want to wear that, she wants to eat something else, her TV show ended. Anyway, these …

Q&A: How Can I Handle a Bad Temper Tantrum?

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

My daughter has a bad temper tantrum where she throws herself on the floor and hits her head. She would also throw things at people. I really don’t know what to do. It also got so bad that she took a glass off a table and almost broke it. I don’t want this to get any worse. You did not …

What Are the Warning Signs of Autism, and Why Should ALL Parents Be Aware of Them?

CME WebsitesDiagnoses

As parents we worry, sometimes unnecessarily about our children. We ask ourselves questions such as, “Is he developing on target?” or “Is his speech delay a sign of other problems?” That’s why it is important for us to speak honestly to our child’s pediatrician, day care providers and family members regarding any concerns we may have about our child’s development. …

Foster Parenting - Day 2 Day Parenting

The Challenges and Rewards of Foster Parenting

CME WebsitesFoster Parenting, Resources

The AFGARS (Adoption & Foster Care Analysis Reporting System) Report for the 2013 fiscal year reported that there were 402, 378 children from birth through age 20 living in foster care in the USA. Of that number, 54% were 8 years old or younger. Only 4% of the total number of children were in pre-adoptive homes while the rest were …

diaper changing routines and tips

Are You Challenged By Diaper Changing Routines?

Tamara GuoChild Routines, Diaper Changing, Hygiene

As a parent you probably never thought of diaper changing as being fun or educational, right? But, did you know that you and your baby can work on a lot of developmental skills during one single diaper change and actually make it a positive learning experience? Infants are typically less of a challenge when it comes to changing diapers, but …

Make Transitions Easier - Early Intervention Support

How to Make Transitions Easier for Your Toddler

CME WebsitesChild Routines, Parent Routines, Positioning, Switching Activities

Many parents or caregivers discover at one time or another that transitions in daily routines can be very challenging with a toddler, particularly if that means ending a favorite activity or beginning a non-preferred one. While most toddlers have tantrums from time to time, there are some strategies that you can use to help make transitions easier for your child…and …