Q&A: Toddler Gags on Table Food

CME WebsitesBehavior, Child Routines, Mealtime

My daughter just turned one. She is not eating table food. She is basically only eating stage 3 jar food. She will eat stage 3 fruits, veggies and “meals.” The meals I will typically mix with milk to make somewhat thinner (but not too thin) as she will gag on the thickness of the puree sometimes. She does well with …

Q&A: My Child is Saying “Nobody Loves Me”

CME WebsitesBehavior

I have a 5 year old daughter who is an amazing kid. But she is very stubborn and has a temper. Lately she has been saying things like I will kill myself with a knife or I hate me and nobody loves me. We are always hugging and kissing her and telling her we love her so I don’t know …

Q&A: My Son’s Doctor Wants My Child to be Evaluated

CME WebsitesBehavior

My son is 3 years old and his regular doctor sent him for an evaluation and early intervention, due to the way he behaves. When he gets tired and wants to go to sleep, he starts hitting his mother or sister; he becomes aggressive and he doesn’t speak as much. He understands very well but does not talk much. He …