Gross Motor Skills for Babies 6 – 9 Months Old

CME WebsitesChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months

For children with special needs, intervention in early childhood development means finding specific ways to help a child become as functional as possible. Gross motor development involves the larger, stronger muscle groups. In early child development, it’s the development of these muscles that enable it to hold its head up, sit, crawl and eventually walk, run, jump and skip. Below …

Detecting Hearing Loss in Infants and Toddlers

CME WebsitesChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months, Toddlers 12 - 36 Months

In 1993, the National Institute of Health made a recommendation that all babies have their hearing tested between birth and three months of age. By 1999, 20 states had implemented laws encouraging newborn hearing screenings and 12 states passed laws requiring them. Today, 10 years later, 30 states plus Guam, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC provide for the establishment of …

Q&A: 4 Month Old with Stiff Upper Body

Tamara GuoChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months

My grandson is 4-1/2 months old. I believe he has hypertone in his upper body (he arches his back  “stiff” when being held body-to-body) that may be showing up in his legs now (he’s starting to “scissor” – to hold his mom’s arms with his legs as his diaper is being changed). Is there anything that can explain hypertonicity in …