Q&A: Baby Having Trouble Reaching for Objects at Midline

Tamara GuoChild Development, d2d

My daughter was born 38 weeks but spent 5 weeks in the NICU with an infection. She is now 4 months old. I am watching to ensure there aren’t any developmental delays. I have a question about her ability to reach objects presented at her midline. When playing on her mat with a toy at midline, she sometimes reaches for …

Q&A: How to Help 4 Year Old with Self Regulation Issues

Tamara GuoBehavior, Challenging Behavior, d2d

I’m wondering what the best therapy would be for my almost 4 year old. She’s very bright but has self-regulation issues (i.e., blurting out sounds at home and school as well as repeating herself often- very sensitive and can have a complete breakdown over little things – if I accidentally press the elevator button or flush the toilet, etc. – …