How to Discourage Your Child From Biting

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

“He’s a biter”. I’ve overheard daycare workers utter this phrase with disdain and judgment over and over. Biting remains one of the most socially taboo topics in daycare and playgroup circles. Its effects have both physical and emotional implications and frequently result in heightened and prolonged emotions for all parties involved…the biter, the bitten, and both sets of parents. The …

How to Manage Your Child’s Behavior

CME WebsitesBehavior, Discipline

The most important keys to successful behavior management are consistency and repetition. Stick to whatever rules you make all the time. Know that the rules will need to be repeated again and again for them to work. The best way to teach behavior is to use lots of rewards. For every problem behavior, there is a good behavior to take …

How to Help an Angry Child Deal with Negative Emotions

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Discipline

Young children, just like adults, can’t help feeling angry or sad at times.  The difference between a young child and an adult is that adults learn appropriate ways to vent feelings of frustration or anger.  Some toddlers resort to screaming, kicking, crying loudly or hitting when they are upset. Older children might say mean things like, “I hate you,” or …

children in school waiting in line

What is Self Regulation and How To Help a Child to Learn Self Regulation

CME WebsitesBehavior, Building Independence

What is the Definition of Self Regulation? The term “self-regulation” is used to refer to a range of characteristics and abilities. A child with self -regulatory skills is able to focus his attention, control his emotions and manage his thinking, behavior and feelings. Adults are very good at multitasking, but children are not. An adult can be cooking dinner, talking …

Helping a Child with Separation Anxiety

CME WebsitesBehavior, Building Independence

Separation anxiety is a fear that anyone can have, regardless of age, when they become separated from something that is familiar to them. For young children this usually occurs when they are separated from a parent or caregiver. Separation anxiety usually starts around the time a baby is about 7 months old and is a normal part of healthy child …

Q&A: How to Help 4 Year Old with Self Regulation Issues

Tamara GuoBehavior, Challenging Behavior

I’m wondering what the best therapy would be for my almost 4 year old. She’s very bright but has self-regulation issues (i.e., blurting out sounds at home and school as well as repeating herself often- very sensitive and can have a complete breakdown over little things – if I accidentally press the elevator button or flush the toilet, etc. – …