Q&A: My Son Is Hitting and Throwing Chairs in Daycare

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

My 3-year old son has been dismissed from a second daycare because of hitting and throwing chairs and I am at my wits end. I am a single mother and his dad has never been in his life because he’s incarcerated. He’s had timeouts (that don’t work), had his toys taken away along with television (he’s ok with this) and I’ve …

Q&A: How to Handle Violent & Severe Temper Tantrums

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

I have a 4 yr old little girl and she throws violent uncontrollable temper tantrums. I’ve taken her to her PCP and she says every kid does it. It will start over anything even the smallest thing. She lost her red color, she doesn’t want to wear that, she wants to eat something else, her TV show ended. Anyway, these …

Q&A: How Can I Handle a Bad Temper Tantrum?

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

My daughter has a bad temper tantrum where she throws herself on the floor and hits her head. She would also throw things at people. I really don’t know what to do. It also got so bad that she took a glass off a table and almost broke it. I don’t want this to get any worse. You did not …

Q&A: 4 Year Old Won’t Stop Chewing Objects

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

I have a 4 1/2 year old niece who chews on anything and everything. Her biting of objects seems to be getting worse. She chews toys, crayons, furniture, etc. She recently leaned over and bit the family’s couch and put a hole in the leather. All of her dolls have chewed up feet and hands. She chews holes in the …

Q&A: My 2 Year Old is Biting at Day Care

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

I need to know how to handle my two year old when she is biting at day care. The owner of the center is threatening to remove her if this problem continues. Biting is a very common behavior in toddlers and really, among developmentalists is considered a “typical” though challenging behavior or stage that some (not all) children go through. …

Q&A: My 4 Year Old Was Exposed to Sex Play

CME WebsitesBehavior

My 4 year old has been exposed to sex play with a 6 year old girl. After that he asked a 5 year old girl to kiss him. The other day I find him kissing a 5 year old boy in the room. Now he kisses dolls as well and hides from it. Please help me. This is the age …

Q&A: My Child Often Wants to Leave Social Situations

CME WebsitesBehavior, Social Graces

My son is 19 months old and enjoys being around people for a short period of time. After about 45 minutes, he has had enough. Even if I am around this happens. I am a Sunday school teacher and I find it hard to leave him for longer than 45 minutes. He also does this when we have people over …

Q&A: 3 Year Old Only Child Will Not Share

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

My daughter is 33 months and I have a few concerns about her social behavior. She seems to have a lot of issues playing with other children her age. I think it’s more of a possessive thing, but she refuses to share her toys with other children who come over for play dates at our house. She will rip toys …