In my profession as a pediatric dietitian I frequently have parents ask, “How do I change my child’s eating habits?” Some parents would like their child to eat more, some to eat less, others to eat healthier and others just to include more variety. We have all heard the traditional response that as a parent we should model good eating habits. Sometimes that just isn’t enough. I always include trying to make healthy eating fun for your children.
Toddler a Picky Eater? The Development of Oral Motor Skills and Eating
During early childhood, there is an important progression of oral motor skills that a child gains in order to move on to each set of new foods. One of the most significant of these oral motor skills is tongue lateralization, or the movement of the tongue from side to side inside the mouth.
The Importance of Tactile Exploration for Feeding
Teaching a baby how to eat and enjoy food is a fun and exciting milestone for many parents. It is essential for us as parents to be patient, to allow our baby to take the lead, and to see our baby’s food as much more than a way to satisfy hunger. Food and the act of feeding can and should …
Transitioning From Stage 2 Foods to Stage 3 Foods
As on occupational therapist in the early intervention field, parents often ask me, “Why won’t my child eat Stage 3 foods?” This is a very common concern for parents, since transitioning to new foods is a huge change for kids from both a motor and sensory (texture) standpoint. There are many differences between being fed Stage 2 and Stage 3 …
Should Children Drink Juice? Guidelines for Giving Fruit Juice to Young Children
As therapists we often visit families homes where babies are sucking juice out of bottles at 6 months old (or sooner!) and toddlers are carrying around juice filled sippy cups all day long. Juice is good for them right? Well, not really. Actually, young children do not really need juice to be healthy. Real fruit is a much healthier choice. …
Tips for Improving Your Child’s Eating Habits
General Ways to Improve Your Child’s Eating: Establish a daily schedule for your family Set consistent times for meals and snacks Do not allow eating between scheduled meals and snacks Limit liquid intake between meals and snacks to water only Limit juice and milk intake during meals and snacks Offer a drink only after a child has begun to eat …
Healthy Holiday Snacking for Kids – Alternatives Can Be Fun!
Holiday snacking does not have to be all about cookies and candies. If you plan ahead and involve your kids in the shopping and preparation, holiday snacking can not only be fun, but healthy as well. Here are some ideas for nutritious holiday snacks, as well as some simple tips to make fattening recipes more healthy for you and your …
Establishing Good Nutritional Habits for Babies and Children
Babies, toddlers, children and teens adults, too are their healthiest if they eat a variety of wholesome foods. Since the early years of your child’s life are such an important period of growth, make sure the baby’s diet includes foods rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. To answer the ever-asked question, “How much should I feed my …
How to Develop Positive Mealtime Routines for Your Child
In our busy lives, mealtimes can be simultaneously a brief reprieve from a hectic schedule and one of the most chaotic points in a family’s daily routine. Mealtimes can be a time to check in with one another, hold hands, sit on laps, tell funny stories and report important events. They can also be times full of temper tantrums, thrown …
Q&A: Adopted Son Doesn’t Want to Eat or Drink
My husband and I just adopted a 17 month boy from Russia. He is at the 25 percentile for both height and weight. However, since arriving home he has begun refusing to drink or eat. He acts hungry, but then only takes a few sips or a few bites then turns his head, arches away from me, seals his lips …