Q&A: My Child is Hyperactive

CME WebsitesBehavior

I am very concerned about my 2-year-old child. She is very hyperactive, she doesn’t respond to toys or other children, and she would rather be by herself. She only repeats what she hears, and doesn’t ask for what she wants. She can’t eat without assistance. She screams and hits. She is very unbalanced – falling a lot and running into …

normal child attention span

Q&A: What is a Normal Attention Span?

CME WebsitesBehavior, Expected Behavior by Age

I find everyone is quick to diagnose children with ADHD.  I am a second grade teacher. Is there a “normal rule of thumb” for attention span? How long should a typical 7-8 year old be able to concentrate? I find teachers are lengthy in their lessons and explanations. How long should the child be expected to pay attention? Sometimes I …

School Based Therapy

School based therapy is funded through the education system. Therefore, the goals written and worked on must be related to ensuring that your child is able to receive the same level of education as others. This could mean working on your child’s strength so they are able to sit at a desk throughout a class, hold a pencil appropriately, play …

How to Successfully Partner with Families of Children with Disabilities

CME WebsitesResources

A summary of an article entitled “The 5-Point Plan: Fostering Successful Partnerships with Families of Students with Disabilities” by Caitlin C. Edwards & Alexandra Da Fonte that appeared in the Jan/Feb. 2012 Issue of Teaching Exceptional Children. This CEC Journal article was geared toward school age children, but the underlying purpose of its message applies very well to early intervention …