Q&A: 3 Month Old Baby with Stiff Legs

CME WebsitesChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months

My daughter was born 3 months ago via c-section (she was breech). Since birth, she has been very rigid and stiff. Her legs would constantly lock tight and she could even stand on her feet with straight legs (being held of course) within the first month or so. I’m just concerned because I’ve been reading stuff about cerebral palsy and …

Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers 24 – 30 Months

CME WebsitesChild Development, Toddlers 12 - 36 Months

By 30 Months, most toddlers can: Fold paper in half Imitate simple pencil markings, such as a cross Build a tower up to 8 cubes Understand common dangers, such as stairs Parenting Tips to Encourage Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers: You can help with toddler developmental milestones.  Suggested play ideas to help develop fine motor skills for toddlers are: Fresh squeezed tastes best. Cut …

fine motor skills development

Fine Motors Skills for Infants and Toddlers

What are Fine Motors Skills? Fine Motor Skills are the coordinated muscle movements we make using our hands. Fine motor skills develop as your child’s whole body gains mobility, stability, cognitive, and emotional/social development. This overview will provide an idea of what typical fine motor development looks like, and will provide caregivers with some ideas to help ensure they are …

gross motor development

Gross Motor Development & Skills for Infants, Toddlers, and Children

Are My Baby’s Gross Motor Skills Typical? What are gross motor skills? These skills include the way a person uses his arms, legs, or whole body to make movements. As your baby grows into a child, it’s the development of these muscles that will enable her to hold her head up, sit, crawl and eventually walk, run, jump and skip. If your neighbor’s nine …

fine motor milestones babies

Fine Motor Skills Development for Babies 7 – 12 Months

CME WebsitesChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months

Between the ages of about seven and nine months, your baby will probably start getting into a hands-and-knees position for crawling. Even before he actually starts moving forward in this position, the rocking back and forth that he does is very important to his hand development. Holding himself up in that manner will not only strengthen his shoulders, hips, and …

How Children Develop

Understanding Early Childhood Development Children are as unique as snowflakes, each having their own distinct personality. There are certain developmental milestones, however, that most children reach within a specific timeframe. The age when your child smiles at you, says their first word, starts to crawl and masters other tasks can give you and your doctor insights into how well they are achieving …