toddler attention span

Toddler Attention Span: How Long Should They Be Able to Focus?

CME WebsitesChild Development, Toddlers 12 - 36 Months

Your toddler’s attention span is usually dependent upon developmental age. If you have unrealistic expectations of your toddler’s attention span, it can often lead to temper tantrums and other upsetting behavior. Keep in mind that whether or not your child likes the actual activity, or is sick, tired, or hungry can affect his/her attention span. Here are some guidelines to …

How to Manage Your Child’s Behavior

CME WebsitesBehavior, Discipline

The most important keys to successful behavior management are consistency and repetition. Stick to whatever rules you make all the time. Know that the rules will need to be repeated again and again for them to work. The best way to teach behavior is to use lots of rewards. For every problem behavior, there is a good behavior to take …

How to Help an Angry Child Deal with Negative Emotions

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Discipline

Young children, just like adults, can’t help feeling angry or sad at times.  The difference between a young child and an adult is that adults learn appropriate ways to vent feelings of frustration or anger.  Some toddlers resort to screaming, kicking, crying loudly or hitting when they are upset. Older children might say mean things like, “I hate you,” or …

Q&A: My Son’s Doctor Wants My Child to be Evaluated

CME WebsitesBehavior

My son is 3 years old and his regular doctor sent him for an evaluation and early intervention, due to the way he behaves. When he gets tired and wants to go to sleep, he starts hitting his mother or sister; he becomes aggressive and he doesn’t speak as much. He understands very well but does not talk much. He …

Q&A: My Child Often Wants to Leave Social Situations

CME WebsitesBehavior, Social Graces

My son is 19 months old and enjoys being around people for a short period of time. After about 45 minutes, he has had enough. Even if I am around this happens. I am a Sunday school teacher and I find it hard to leave him for longer than 45 minutes. He also does this when we have people over …