Holding your toddler’s hand can be one of the most beautiful connections between caregivers and children. Yet, what if your toddler/child simply refuses to hold your hand? What are we do to when we need to guide them or protect them from danger? This is a topic often covered in sessions with my families who are concerned with safety and …
Managing Your Toddler’s Temper Tantrum
How to Deal with Temper Tantrums When a toddler sees something he or she wants and cannot have it immediately, the natural response is to scream. Tantrums usually start around 15 months because that’s the age a young child starts to voice their own desires. Your child simply doesn’t know any other way to communicate the anger and frustration they …
How to Manage Your Child’s Behavior
The most important keys to successful behavior management are consistency and repetition. Stick to whatever rules you make all the time. Know that the rules will need to be repeated again and again for them to work. The best way to teach behavior is to use lots of rewards. For every problem behavior, there is a good behavior to take …
How to Help an Angry Child Deal with Negative Emotions
Young children, just like adults, can’t help feeling angry or sad at times. The difference between a young child and an adult is that adults learn appropriate ways to vent feelings of frustration or anger. Some toddlers resort to screaming, kicking, crying loudly or hitting when they are upset. Older children might say mean things like, “I hate you,” or …
Positive Child Reinforcement: How to Motivate Your Child to Behave
What you SAY is What You Get Did you ever think about the similarities between your baby’s brain and a brand new computer waiting to be programmed? While this may be scary, it is also very good news!! YOU have the ability to alter how your computer, I mean child, performs based on the programs you give them. Envision your …
Q&A: My 2 Year Old Does Not Listen Unless I Punish Him
My son is 2 and a half. He won’t listen to me unless I threaten to punish him. I have tried everything from time-outs to taking away his toys. He makes me lose my patience and sometimes I don’t know what to do. He’s extremely energetic and very fidgety. Is there something wrong with him or am I doing something …