My daughter is 12 weeks old. She does not really coo. She makes a few noises here and there throughout the day, but doesn’t really respond when I try to get her to make more. Her doctor said he is not concerned right now, but if she isn’t cooing by her 4 month visit, we should have her hearing tested. …
Q&A: 9 Month Old Not Babbling
My 9 1/2 month old does not babble at all. I am a speech therapist myself (I treat adults) and I am concerned. I read to her daily and sing songs and play pat a cake, itsy spider, etc., as well as say mama dada baba during diaper changes for face-to-face time. She is almost crawling and is just starting …
Q&A: 5 Month Old with Brachial Plexis Injury Not Rolling Over
My daughter is 5 months and 1 week old. She is seeing a therapist for brachial plexus injury. She is doing well and is showing a full range of motion now. However, she is not rolling over even one way yet. When we put her on her belly she will reach for her toys but that is all. Should I …
Q&A: 9 Month Old Not Sitting Independently
My son will be 9 months old soon. He does everything he should except for sit up on his own. He crawls, he pulls himself up on things, he will sit up on his knees with his feet under his rear – but he will not sit up on his own on his rear with his feet in front of …
Q&A: 8 Month Old Underweight and Not Drinking Milk
I have a neighbor that has an 8 month old child. The baby can hardly turn over, or hold his bottle. She refuses to put him on his tummy and when I’m around I make him lay that way. She doesn’t like it because he fusses while on his tummy. He can’t push himself up at all. He can barely …
Fine Motor Skills Development for Babies 7 – 12 Months
Between the ages of about seven and nine months, your baby will probably start getting into a hands-and-knees position for crawling. Even before he actually starts moving forward in this position, the rocking back and forth that he does is very important to his hand development. Holding himself up in that manner will not only strengthen his shoulders, hips, and …
Fine Motor Skills Milestones Between 3 to 6 Months
At this stage, your baby is beginning to have more control of his or her grasp, and will make an effort to hold onto objects. He or she still is not able to let go of them very well, but their hand is starting to mold itself around the shape of the object she’s holding. By about five months, many …
Fine Motor Skills Development for Infants to Babies Aged 3 Months
At birth, babies have very little control of their arms and hands. They usually wave their arms randomly and keep their hands in a fisted position. They have a strong grasp reflex, as any caregiver who has tried to pry an object from a new baby’s hand can tell you. Not only is the grasp reflex strong, the baby’s ability …