Therapeutic Equipment for Children

Therapeutic equipment is equipment that is used to help your child achieve a new level of development. These can include standers, walkers, compression vests and orthotics to name a few. This type of equipment should be used under the supervision of a therapist or physician. Your therapist is a great resource to help you decide which therapeutic equipment is appropriate …

Are Walkers & Exersaucers Good for Your Baby?

CME WebsitesAppropriate Toys, Resources

Walkers, Exersaucers & Jumpers: Is There an Impact on a Baby’s Development? More and more baby “exercise equipment” becomes available to parents every year and often parents ask us questions during therapy sessions and evaluations such as “Should I get a walker for my baby?” or “Will using a bouncer help strengthen my babies leg muscles?”. You will find varying …

Baby Exercise Equipment & Development

CME WebsitesAppropriate Toys, Child Development, Resources

Walkers, Exersaucers & Jumpers: Is There an Impact on a Baby’s Development? More and more baby “exercise equipment” becomes available to parents every year and often parents ask us questions during therapy sessions and evaluations such as “Should I get a walker for my baby?” or “Will using a bouncer help strengthen my babies leg muscles?”. You will find varying …

Diaper Changes - Day 2 Day Parenting

How to Work on Rolling & Sitting During Diaper Changes

Erin McNultyChild Development, Child Routines, Infants 3 - 12 Months, Positioning

Looking for ways to encourage your baby to roll and sit? Typically, rolling skills develop between 4-6 months and sitting independently develops between 6-8 months of age. You can help your baby meet these motor milestones by helping them to develop strong core muscles and assisting them in these movements every day. Diaper changes are a great time to help them …

gross motor skills for infants

Gross Motor Skills for Infants Aged 0-12 Months

CME WebsitesChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months, Newborns 0 - 3 Months

You can help support the development of your baby’s gross motor skills from the moment you bring them home. Gross motor skills involve the large muscles of the body, such as the arms and legs. – In early child development, it’s the strengthening of these muscles that enable infants to hold their head up, sit up independently, crawl, and eventually walk. Find out …

Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate & Submucous Cleft

Emily FawcettChild Development, Special Needs Diagnoses

Occurring in 1 in every 600 births, clefts are one of the most common birth defects in the US.  Clefts form early on in pregnancy (between 4-8 weeks after conception) when the facial prominences (group of cells) are fusing together. Three common types of clefts are as follows: (1) Cleft Lip is when the tissues of the upper lip have …

adaptive devices for seating

Adaptive Devices: Chairs and Seating

CME WebsitesChild Development, Parenting a Child with Special Needs

Kids naturally like and need to move around to explore their environment and socialize with family and other children. Mobility is an important milestone for our children to reach and parents look forward to this stage in development. But the importance of sitting should not be overlooked.  Children need to sit to initially work on their fine motor skills and …

late talking toddlers

Helpful Strategies for Apraxia of Speech or Late Talking Toddlers

Rinda GraybillBehavior, Child Development, Expected Behavior by Age

In our previous article, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, we discussed some characteristics of suspected apraxia of speech in toddlers.  To redefine childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), it is a motor speech disorder.  A child who has CAS will have difficulty planning motor movements for speech production.  So, what does this mean?  A child with CAS will often know what they …

sensory strategies for elementary school

Sensory Strategies for the Elementary School Classroom

CME WebsitesChild Development, Early School Age

With summer halfway over, perhaps you’re already thinking about Back to School shopping.  In addition to the exciting preparations, you may also be thinking, “How will my child behave in the classroom?  Does his sensory system allow for him to focus on the teacher’s lessons, engage in classroom activities, and attend to tasks?” Children with sensory processing disorder face unique …