What Are the Warning Signs of Autism, and Why Should ALL Parents Be Aware of Them?

CME WebsitesDiagnoses

As parents we worry, sometimes unnecessarily about our children. We ask ourselves questions such as, “Is he developing on target?” or “Is his speech delay a sign of other problems?” That’s why it is important for us to speak honestly to our child’s pediatrician, day care providers and family members regarding any concerns we may have about our child’s development. …

Tips To Deal With A Screaming Toddler

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior

Toddlers love to hear the sound of their own voices. And yes, as annoying at it is, toddlers love to shriek-often at the top of their little lungs! Often in public places like grocery stores and restaurants, much to their parent’s dismay. Toddlers may scream for a variety of reasons. Some kids just get louder and squeal because they are …

bottle feeding basics

Bottle Feeding Basics

Tamara GuoBottle Feeding, Child Routines, Mealtime

In today’s market there are so very many choices for types of bottles and nipples that it can be overwhelming for any parent, especially a first time parent. Often you may have to try a few types of bottles and nipples until you find one that your baby likes best. Once you find the right bottle for your baby, be …

parenting resources


Day 2 Day Parenting is about providing parents and caregivers with the tools and resources they need to create a happy, calm and nurturing home. We constantly strive to gather a useful collection of resources and links to help you with questions about how to successfully parent your child each and every day. See All Resource Articles Parenting Resources Adoption …

Make Transitions Easier - Early Intervention Support

How to Make Transitions Easier for Your Toddler

CME WebsitesChild Routines, Parent Routines, Positioning, Switching Activities

Many parents or caregivers discover at one time or another that transitions in daily routines can be very challenging with a toddler, particularly if that means ending a favorite activity or beginning a non-preferred one. While most toddlers have tantrums from time to time, there are some strategies that you can use to help make transitions easier for your child…and …

learn to feed - Early Intervention Support

How Do I Help My Baby Learn to Feed Themselves?

Sandra BestChild Development, Child Routines, Infants 3 - 12 Months, Mealtime

For most typically-developing infants, pediatricians will advise that parents begin introducing spoon-fed baby foods to their babies at around the age of 6 months. Generally, we start with a thin mixture of rice cereal, and as babies demonstrate that they can handle this gentle food, we gradually add foods one at a time to ensure that there are no allergies. …

No Stairs, No Problem! Tips to Help With Stair Climbing Skills

CME WebsitesChild Development, Toddlers 12 - 36 Months, Walking

Stairs are an important part of our everyday lives.  Many families have stairs inside or leading into their homes.  Other families may not have stairs in their home but will visit friends’ or relatives’ houses that have stairs. Common questions that parents often ask therapists are: “When should my child be able to crawl or walk up the stairs” and …

Winter Crafts - Early Intervention Support

5 Winter Crafts For Toddlers

CME WebsitesChild Routines, Crafts

What can you do with your little one when it’s so cold outside?  While we wait for the sunshine and warmth of Spring, here are some winter crafts you can do with your toddler to bring some snowy fun to the indoors. Please note all of these activities will also work on language skills as you talk with your child …