w sitting day to day parenting

What’s Wrong with W Sitting in Children?

CME WebsitesBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Child Development

Do you see your child or someone else’s child sitting with their bottom on the floor and their legs out beside them, forming a “W” shape? This is commonly called “W sitting.” You may think “wow, look how flexible they are.” Although flexibility in your muscles is a good thing, “W” sitting is not.

Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers 36 – 42 Months

CME WebsitesChild Development, Pre-Schoolers 36 - 60 Months

‘Fine motor skills’ refers to the development of small muscle movements of the hands. Fine motor skills develop as your child’s whole body gains mobility, stability, cognitive, and emotional/social development. Fine motor skills that come to mind are shoe tying, writing, and cutting paper with scissors. Tips to Help You 36 – 42 Month Old Develop Fine Motor Skills You …

My Child Needs Braces. What Are They & Why Do We Need Them?

Braces help control or prevent secondary problems with the foot, ankle, knee, or hip. For example, secondary problems may include too much flexibility in joints, tightness in muscles, wear and tear on joints because of misalignment, which can lead to arthritis later in life. Braces can be made out of a variety of materials, including different kinds of plastics, foam, …

types of crawling

The Importance of Crawling: Is Crawling Important for Your Baby’s Development?

CME WebsitesChild Development, Crawling

  The Importance of Crawling Most babies learn to crawl sometime between the ages of 6-10 months. Some children bypass crawling and go straight to walking, but is that such a good thing? Research varies, but most therapists will agree that crawling is an important developmental milestone which should not be skipped, as it relates to other areas of development …

Q&A: 4 Month Old with Stiff Upper Body

Tamara GuoChild Development, Infants 3 - 12 Months

My grandson is 4-1/2 months old. I believe he has hypertone in his upper body (he arches his back  “stiff” when being held body-to-body) that may be showing up in his legs now (he’s starting to “scissor” – to hold his mom’s arms with his legs as his diaper is being changed). Is there anything that can explain hypertonicity in …

Q&A: Child Sticking Tongue Under Sippy Cup

CME WebsitesChild Development

My daughter started sticking her tongue out under the sippy cup. She also does this with a straw cup. We switched her to an open cup and now she is doing it with that as well. What should I do? I spoke with our licensed speech pathologist and feeding specialist, regarding your question. She said that she would not call …