At this playgroup session, the children enjoyed playing with oatmeal in the sensory table. They loved driving cars through it and using cups to scoop and dump. It was a wonderful tactile sensory experience!
We also engaged in free play and allowed the children to choose an activity to participate in. These activities included: playing with cars and trucks, engaging in pretend play at the kitchen centers and work benches, building with blocks, and going down the slide. We also spent time running in the gym and playing catch with our friends!
At circle time, we greeted our friends by singing our “Good Morning” song. We sang a special fall-themed version of “Wheels on the Bus” that talked about the leaves on (and off) the trees. We engaged in pairing song with movement by singing “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”.
Our art project was another great sensory experience! We painted with a mixture of instant mashed potatoes, water, and food coloring. Instead of using paint brushes, we painted with halves of fall fruits (apples and small pumpkins)!
We had a mix of old and new parents at our parent discussion. Some of the topics covered by our parents and therapist were: Pacifiers and decreasing their use, getting EI services re-established (for a family who was discharged but concerned again), how good and bad therapy sessions are bound to happen, and travel planning (Disney, airplanes, other family friendly places).