williams syndrome

What is Williams Syndrome?

CME WebsitesChild Development, Parenting a Child with Special Needs

Having been lucky enough to grow up with a family member with Williams Syndrome, it’s almost difficult for me to describe the diagnosis when asked what it exactly it is. My cousin’s diagnosis, although more defined in our adult age, was never a concern, topic of conversation, or even differentiation for me while we were growing up. When I picture …

Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate & Submucous Cleft

Emily FawcettChild Development, Special Needs Diagnoses

Occurring in 1 in every 600 births, clefts are one of the most common birth defects in the US.  Clefts form early on in pregnancy (between 4-8 weeks after conception) when the facial prominences (group of cells) are fusing together. Three common types of clefts are as follows: (1) Cleft Lip is when the tissues of the upper lip have …

preventing tantrums

Preventing Tantrums at the Store

Stephanie SaikalyBehavior, Challenging Behavior, Errands, Parent Routines

You are perusing the aisles at Target (or insert the name of your favorite store) and you hear a child screaming for a candy bar at the checkout counter. Now, what if the above-described child is YOUR child?  This is when we need to consider intervention strategies. How can we avoid that embarrassing supermarket meltdown from happening in the first …

hearing loss in children

Testing for Hearing Loss in Children

Maureen O'BrienChild Development, Special Needs Diagnoses

Hearing loss in children can cause delays in speech and language as well as academic skills later in childhood. Early intervention speech language pathologists work with many families of young children with speech and language delays. These families are often concerned that their child may have a hearing loss or that the child does not hear properly due to constant …

sensory issues or temperament

Child Behaviors: Are They Due to Sensory Issues or Temperament?

CME WebsitesBehavior, Child Development, Expected Behavior by Age

As a mother, therapist, friend, and neighbor, I hear people say all the time, “Oh he/she is the best baby…he/she never cries, fusses, puts anything in his/her mouth, and can sleep through a train driving through our house.” Or I may hear the opposite, “He/she will only sleep if it is totally silent, cries all the time, and never seems …

separation anxiety

Q&A: 3 Year Old Has Separation Anxiety

CME WebsitesBehavior

My daughter recently turned 3. She still nurses and sleeps in our bed, which is fine with me. I am worried about her separation anxiety. It started around 10 months and got worse until about 13 months (she would scream as I took 2 min. showers while her dad hugged her on the other side of the glass). At 17 …

late talking toddlers

Helpful Strategies for Apraxia of Speech or Late Talking Toddlers

Rinda GraybillBehavior, Child Development, Expected Behavior by Age

In our previous article, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, we discussed some characteristics of suspected apraxia of speech in toddlers.  To redefine childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), it is a motor speech disorder.  A child who has CAS will have difficulty planning motor movements for speech production.  So, what does this mean?  A child with CAS will often know what they …

signs of autism

Speech Delay or Autism? | Signs of Autism

Tamara GuoChild Development, Special Needs Diagnoses

Many parents whose children exhibit speech and language delays are immediately concerned that their child may have autism. In early intervention, we cannot diagnose a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), we can only tell a parent if their child is showing developmental delays and if we see certain red flags that may indicate a child needs further evaluation to …

child development

Child Development: Is My Child Average or Developmentally Behind?

Tamara GuoChild Development

As a therapist, I often hear parents make statements such as “He walked really late, at age 14 months,” or “Her sister was so much farther ahead of her, she was talking in sentences by 18 months.”  It’s natural for parents to compare their child with other children, as well as with older siblings, but is it a good thing? …